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Feng Shui Services For Your Business
Do you own / run a business where customers and clients must feel relaxed, secure and looked after – a shop, a hotel, a beauty salon, a therapy practice or a guesthouse? A wide range of businesses in the retail, hospitality and therapy sectors have benefited from applying feng shui to their premises. Feng shui can provide entrance details, colour schemes and room layouts that create the right ambience and support the success of the owner / manager. Feng shui principles can even be applied to the choice of a business logo, and the design of business stationery and websites!
For retailers, a feng shui consultation will suggest changes that help to increase the number of customers and the volume of sales. For hotels, guest houses and B&B’s it can increase bookings and repeat business. For therapists, it can support personal stamina, produce faster healing, and help increase client numbers.
Do you work in an office environment? A feng shui consultation will pinpoint things to change to reduce stress, support personal success and boost the overall development of the business. Changes can be made to décor, desk placement and personal surroundings to improve alertness and vitality. It is also possible to identify the most personally auspicious years and dates to make important changes in your career or business…
Business Enhancer £450
This is a broad but thorough feng shui assessment of every aspect of your business. It is designed for clients who want a more successful business, and need results with a minimum of disturbance to the existing workspace.
Your consultation report recommends ways of counteracting any influences from surrounding roads, buildings and other features that are affecting the business’s success and your / your manager’s personal ability to run the business.
You also receive details of the most important features of your workspace that are influencing turnover and profits. I provide recommendations for getting the best out of the existing layout, and for transforming unhelpful areas into assets. This can often be achieved through colour and decor, or minor adjustments to furnishings and fitments.
I use insights from your chinese horoscope to find colours and directions that can be used to strengthen financial luck and personal achievement. I also provide a list of powerful dates for making changes to your workspace.
Full Consultation £650
This is an extensive service for clients who wish to ensure that their workspace is organized from the start to support all their business goals. It is designed for people who are moving into new premises or intending to refurbish a workspace. It is most helpful for planning the layout of shops or offices and making the best of awkward or uninspiring areas.
Your consultation report recommends ways of counteracting any negative influences in the locality of your premises. It comments on the long-term prospects for success in the location. It gives advice on signage and using the main door to attract business and deal with local competition.
You also receive written recommendations for every room. These include details of where to site different activities, furniture finishes and layout, choice of fitments, use of plants and mirrors, colour schemes, location of manager’s desk and finance area. You are advised on the discreet use of special symbols for protection, profit and success.
I use insights from your chinese horoscope plus the traditional almanac to pinpoint the most powerful times to make changes. You also receive personally auspicious dates for business decisions, and for arranging important business meetings.
Click here to view sample business reports